
What He Carries

By Kristen Zuchowski

He carries his equipment

He carries his uniform

He carries his ammunition

And his weapons

But he carries much more

He carries his heart

His memories

Though most importantly

Storm's Song

By Katie Fisher

“Come on, Jenny, you might beat me this time,” David teases trying to coax me into running with him after work. Yeah right, I couldn’t beat him even if he was missing a leg. It’s not like I am slow or anything, it’s just that David is a hell of a lot faster.

Choosing to Hurt

By Jessica Sutter

He leaves his shoes on the doorstep. Size twelve and a half, wearing through the toes and curling with wrinkles of use. He stopped working at the orchard in November, but red Oklahoma mud still caulks the crevices and holes, stains the laces.

Mermaid for a Moment

By Paige Bergan

Sunbeam, slices of wet light

The coral reef filled with dreams

glossy fish murmur-

swirling, swishing, swimming

envy of the rainbow

crimson, sapphire, persimmon, lime

Colors never seen by human eyes before