
Here is the Son

By Haley Claxton

Here Is The Son

that shines through





that herald

a coming storm,

a storm in

the heart

the mind

the soul.

When you feel


The Elemental War

By Kristen Zuchowsi

It began with the fire’s havoc, then rained the wild water. Next came the dancing wind, then the fumbling forming earth. At first everything was peaceful but the elements did not get along well.

time like falling snow

By Skylar Pappenfort

Memories, oh memories those fine grains of sand

Escape between your fingers to the beating of the band

Murmuring in harmony upon a demure heart

Oh what a lovely pas de deux in which we find our part

Rows of fleeting smiles and a million bluebird skies

Light in Darkness

By Becky Reilly

A star, bright, sky’s diamond

Yellow, blue, white, green

A shinier object

Mine eyes have not seen

I have not been told

Of a more unique thing

Not light itself, music,

A crystal, a ring