

By Rachel Franklin

Tonight I let my shadow wind around my ankles

Soft fingers pulling me down as I succumb to myself.

I look inside to find a growing grasping black.

You should have risen by now, your cadence the only light

I believe.

By Bailey Tulluch

I believe.

That everything means something,

and one thing can mean everything.

I believe.

That every little mockingbird

deserves a chance to sing.


By Weston Franklin

The Universe

A place made of solar systems, stars, and planets.

To me,

Is just a fading reality.

A dream someone dreamed last night.

A dying star of happiness that is my heart.

A town of my dreams,

By the sea,


By Bailey Fi

The pencil soars across the black page

painting imagination, uniqueness

illuminating places concealed in the corner of your mind

bringing eccentric beasts into the fabric of reality

blustering winds rush over once serene, quiet glades