
A Second Home

By Arielle Li

My most vivid recollections of China are filled with fond memories and blissful experiences. The smell of smoke and frying foods wafts through the air, and at night the streets are a disorienting mess of flashing billboards and street lights.

What i want as a teenager is to

By Anonymous

come to you in
cyclical relapse
with each syllable

muzzling silence
be tempted to borrow
its imprisonment and speak in
dialogues conversed by

friction of skins.

If We Should Need a God

By Sasha Watson

the first thing is to wait for the rain
to soften
our skin so that
might easily peel the surface
and still the blood stays
clinging in our veins
like the fly to
a horse
pulsing and swaying
to stay the rippling body
the blood inside preserved

Paradise Drive

By Kayla Brethauer

Turquoise vinyl siding
a green darker than any Carolina marsh.
Twenty steps up to the front door.
Fifteen more to the bedrooms.
Will the luggage make it to its destination?