
pretty enough

By Chloe Chou

something breaks in the frozen night 
    tearing / you sit up and i stay

right here in these warm sheets
    you say i am pretty only because the word beautiful


By Hanna Cochran

What if the tides bent out from the shore;
Waves broke from themselves, curling out
and up, scraping the sky,
rolling back.
They would collide into each other in the middle of the sea
and then fall, plunge
into some slit of darkness, of magma


By Arden Pryor

like the exuberance of bangs cut too short and stacks of bracelets that never match. 

gold is for the good days only. 

most days are silver. they are plentiful and lacking variation. 

endless hours and constantly runny eyes. 

Tuesday Reflections

By Elena Unger

Today I saw that a girl I used to know

shaved her head. I wanted to believe

she looked fierce and fiercely free,

but instead she looked small and vulnerable.

She looked strange and startling,

and I pitied her. Just because