
The First Stanza of This Poem is a Lie

By Elena Unger

I know love, lust,

and lonely well enough

to tell them apart.

The End of the Storm Drains

By Wyatt C. Vaughn

Above, asphalt streets meet each other with divots forming storm drains.

But below, the concrete box and brown metal manhole puddles collected rain.


By El O'Brien

Psychosis isn’t just voices in your head and torturing bugs, but being unable to tell fantasy from reality. Stuck in my own personal hell but no one else can see it

Slip & Fly

By Gaby Kill

my phone burns a hole in my pocket,

and i think all this "burning calories" has gotten to it

rub a friction rash between my thighs, maybe if you sand down for long enough there'll be a gap