

By JDC Resident

If you fall head first

are you falling up?

or to the side?

or in between?

Can you feel heaven

and taste hell?

Can you reach in and pull out,

jump in and jump around?

If you exist but choose to be


By JDC Resident

My mom is like binoculars

She is always looking out for me

My dad is like a unicorn

I’ve never seen him

I have always wondered

what he looks like


By Anonymous

It comes in all shapes and sizes

some cute couples,

some odd pairs...

we know who we are.

But despite the fact that commonly,

this world leads us to believe

that clash will always lead to



By Gage Oshman

I wish

had a tree house

One to sit in all day with my spouse

I would read to the leaves

Feel my hair move with the breeze

A tree supporting so much

Like a caring father that does such

The power to hold all