

By Gaby Kill

My lover is strong for a reason.

I was teasing her neck and giggled when she flipped me

  “play fighting”

hit flat on my back, seeing stars in broad daylight on the lawn

of the private school she would get kicked out of.


The Sculptor

By Mariam Khelashvili

The sculptor unveiled a block

A block of marble bought with the

Cents, dollars, kept under lock

Kept under a lock and key.


The sculptor went home again

while rain and lightning poured from skies

Stepped upon the midnight train,

Of Questions and Answers

By Ayesha Asad

I have wondered why my body

looks the way it does in the sun.

Brow bone glittering, sweat

tricking like the last swill of water

down a glass, blood circulating

like clockwork, a gear so visceral

and rooted in its own