
Like Spearmint and Snow (no blues)

By Isabelle Shachtman

Why do they keep praying

If nothing has changed

Call Me Stephanie

By Ayiana Uhde

Hi my name is Ayiana

Once upon a time,

I was a young girl

Seeing the world through rose colored glasses

my mother sobbed to herself at the kitchen table

Wondering why

Crying tears that would not relinquish 

What's in a Name?

By Vic Kepner


The first name I was ever given

A symbol of my mother’s overbearing need to go her way or no way

Her way had no meaning

It was simply a name she thought was pretty

Fathers are for Freedom

By Gillian Knaebel

It’s hard to understand what

to feel when his words say

he loves me but the tone of

his voice says the only thing

he cares about is himself.

Scars stain his back

and my wrists

but the only real scars are