

By Abigail Cottingham

The way they teach poetry in schools

Is not the only way it can be written

               Structured stanzas


  parallel pantoums

Counting Calories

By Neha Sridhar

(A palindrome poem meant to be read top to bottom,and then bottom to top)

m.A.A.d. City Man

By Annie Barry

This summer I took some chances while listening to Chance the Rapper because I liked the beat

But listened to Kendrick when I wanted some street poetry

Some urban poetry

From poets who grew up in suburban towns with an urban state of mind

The Wish Garden: an excerpt

By Andie Davidson

A mindless leaf fluttered out of nowhere and perched on my sandaled foot. In the distance, a disorganized medley of birdsong made up an unrehearsed orchestra. Idyllic as it was, I was in the middle of a fairly typical snapshot of spring.