
The Fishbowl Theory

By Chloe Schoenfeld

A fish doesn’t know what water is
But I think the water is full of-

You need to clean your room, honey.

The answers don’t matter nearly

-I know, I will.

As much as the act of asking

Love Ghazal

By Kayla Brethauer

Two sleeves brush. In a single touch, it blossoms: love.
Wide-eyed, whisper anything in my ear, I’ll call it love.

Barefoot on a pedestal, white lace, floor-length mirror.
If you don’t cry when I walk down the aisle, is it love?

heaven is the woods behind my childhood home

By Madeleine Kimball

when i go:
scatter my ashes in that clear cold stream.
let the current take me down,
to that small place,
where god stains her cheeks with river-clay
and cicadas scream sweet hymnals.
where life is raw and quiet and sublime
and the worms find heaven in

From my Perspective

By Nate Cooper

I know nothing but darkness
Until my stomach is ripped open
The light turns on and they look inside
Give me nutrients and then take them away
Steal my belongings
And drink my blood
I haven't slept since birth, I am so afraid
For one day I will break down