Back RX: a fifteen-minute-a-day yoga-and Pilates-based program to end low back pain

Mar 31, 2010

Back pain is a common problem that can range in intensity from an annoying occasional pinch to a flat-on-your-back debilitation. If you find yourself suffering from back pain and tell others about it, you’re sure to get lots of sympathy and stories of others’ back woes. Sometimes you’ll also get suggestions for things to try to remedy the situation, which is what happened to me recently when a colleague recommended a book recommended to her when she was suffering. I took her advice and tried Back RX: a fifteen-minute-a-day yoga-and Pilates-based program to end low back pain, by Vijay Vad, M.D. and Hilary Hinzmann. The book is helpful in resolving back pain because it provides a concise yet thorough explanation of how our backs work, why they hurt, and what’s required for prevention of back problems. Following the educational overview, the authors lay out three series of exercises designed to help you first return to movement, then resume full activity, and finally build your back strength to prevent future back pain. This book is useful for anyone who needs help resolving current back issues, as well as those who are looking for a good overall regular stretching and strengthening routine for ongoing back health.

Reviewed by Library Staff