
Staff Review

Ready Player One

By Ernest Cline

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Jul 3, 2015

I used to read dystopian novels regularly believing they gave insight into the problems of our current world as well as hints of a difficult future if we didn’t pay attention.  Ready Player One also fills this role but makes it all so much more fun than the average tale of dystopian hardships.  Ernest Cline’s novel is set in a dismal future that has turned the global population toward a virtual computer-generated OASIS to escape the filth, crowding and poverty of reality.

Staff Review

The Gospel of Loki

By Joanne Harris

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Jul 2, 2015

Trickster. Father of Lies. Wildfire. Lucky. He goes by many names, but we probably best know him as Loki. Before he was an Avengers fan favorite, Loki was playing tricks on the Norse gods of Asgard, sometimes as a tenuous ally, other times as the villain, but if Joanne Harris’s The Gospel of Loki is to be believed, always a bit misunderstood.

Staff Review

Beast Behaving Badly

By Shelly Laurenston
Star Rating

Rated by Traci M.
Jul 1, 2015

A plumber and hockey player fall in love. I'm sure that would make a perfectly good romance novel, but in the case of Beast Behaving Badly, there is so much more going on. Bo Novikov is a professional hockey player for the New York Carnivores and just happens to be a shape-shifter. Half polar bear and half lion, Bo is very detail-oriented and has his day planned by the minute. Blayne Thorpe is a plumber by trade and a wild dog/wolf mix by birth.

Staff Review

In the Kingdom of Ice: The Grand and Terrible Polar Voyage of the USS Jeannette

By Hampton Sides
Star Rating

Rated by Jed D.
Jun 30, 2015

In the latter half of the 19th century, many scientists believed that there was an Open Polar Sea that could be reached by ship once they had pushed past the outer ring of ice.  A race between many of the wealthier countries began to see who could claim the route for both trade purposes and bragging rights.  The U.S.S. Jeannette expedition was a joint venture between eccentric newspaper publisher James Gordon Bennett Jr. and the U.S.

Staff Review

Fury (DVD)

By David Ayer, Director
Star Rating

Rated by Jed D.
Jun 29, 2015

Take one part 300, one part Das Boot, and one part Inglourious Basterds, and you have Fury, a brutal and overly-earnest tank battle movie. Set in the final days of WWII, five American soldiers are trapped in a disabled tank and must fend off hordes of Germans

Staff Review

Please Stop Laughing at Me

By Jodee Blanco
Star Rating

Rated by Diane H.
Jun 29, 2015

Bullying is a sad fact of many children’s lives. Some adults like to dismiss school bullying as kids just being kids, a normal part of growing up. For those who are bullied, life is anything but normal—becoming a tortuous, unbearable place with no one and nowhere to turn to for relief.

Staff Review

The Martian

By Andy Weir

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Jun 27, 2015

The Martian follows an American Mars astronaut who is mistakenly left for dead on the red planet after an abnormally bad sandstorm causes NASA to scrub a month long mission after six days. The extremely long flight, preparation time and resources required by NASA for such a voyage means this astronaut’s life depends on some creative means of seriously extending his supplies until the next mission is sent—and that means lots of math! 

Staff Review

K is for Killer

By Sue Grafton
Star Rating

Rated by Hilary S.
Jun 26, 2015

Kinsey Millhone has been hired by Lorna Kepler's mother to investigate her death. Mrs. Kepler is convinced Lorna was murdered, but it's been 10 months, and no proof or substantial information has ever been found. How will Kinsey be able to find what the police couldn't? But of course, she finds little clues that lead her forward in her investigation. Following the footsteps of a serious night owl turns Kinsey's world upside down and throws off her game. As in all of the Alphabet Series books so far, Kinsey puts herself in danger and suffers the consequence.