
Staff Review
Scary Story Youth Writing Contest 2021

Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest Winner: "The Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond"

By James P.
Star Rating

Rated by Heather M
Nov 10, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that James P. has won first place in the 13-19 age group for the Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest with his piece "The Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond."


Around them the mist continued to drift, seeping into their veins, sapping their spirits. The younger of the two brothers poked his head from out of his sleeping bag which lay on the cold, merciless dirt in the clearing of the cold, merciless forest which was infused with the cold, merciless mist that had awoken his body with chills throughout.

Staff Review
Scary Story Youth Writing Contest 2021

Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest Winner: "The Ghosts at Tanuki Mansion"

By Georgia M.
Star Rating

Rated by Heather M
Nov 10, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Georgia M. has won third place in the youth age group for the Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest with this piece "The Ghosts at Tanuki Mansion."

I’m not sure if I believe the rumor that Tanuki Mansion is haunted.

I’ve been there multiple times on school field trips, and only minor ‘scary’ things have happened.

Staff Review
Scary Story Youth Writing Contest 2021

Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest Winner: "The Storyteller"

By Avah D.
Star Rating

Rated by Heather M
Nov 10, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Avah D. has won second place in the 12-14 age group for the Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest with her piece "The Storyteller"


“Mama, tell me a story.”


The girl loves stories, gobbles them down like sugar. The words fill her up, twisty and sharp and smooth, and come to life behind her eyes.


Staff Review
Scary Story Youth Writing Contest 2021

Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest Winner: "The Trapdoor"

By Iago M.
Star Rating

Rated by Heather M
Nov 10, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Iago M. has won first place in the 12-14 age group for the Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest with his piece "The Trapdoor"


Oliver’s antique shop was not exceptional in any way. It did not have much inventory, what it sold did not hold much significance, it was not even the most popular antique shop on the street. This meant nothing to Oliver. When he opened the front door to the shop in the morning, he was at the crossroads to a thousand worlds.

Staff Review
Scary Story Youth Writing Contest 2021

Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest Winner: "What Happened in Glen Forest"

By Ripley N.
Star Rating

Rated by Heather M
Nov 10, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Ripley N. has won second place in the 13-19 age group for the Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest with their piece "What Happened in Glen Forest"


Omnes una manet nox. That’s what it said on the invitation. Cole didn’t know much Latin, but he knew that said one, night or dark, and omnes. Many? Whatever it meant, Cole was in.

Staff Review
Cover of Down Range by Taylor Moore

Down Range

By Taylor Moore
Star Rating

Rated by Charles H
Nov 9, 2021

The frontier has long felt like a fixture of the collective American psyche, and literature featuring western characters facing the struggles of the rural life has been around since the late 1800s. These western novels often featured tough characters with a firm sense of moral justice and skill with a gun. This archetypical character has continued into modern writing, but in recent decades has made the leap out of the western genre and into thrillers and mysteries in the form of rural law enforcement.

Staff Review
Powder Days: Ski Bums, Ski Towns, and the Future of Chasing Snow by Heather Hansman

Powder Days: Ski Bums, Ski Towns, and the Future of Chasing Snow

By Heather Hansman
Star Rating

Rated by Gregg W.
Nov 9, 2021

For those in the (literary) know, Tuesdays are the traditional day where publishers release new titles into the world. Here at the library, we get patrons who always want to know what the new, hot, word-of-mouth books are. They scan the New Releases shelf, they stalk the "new titles" portion of our website, and want to be ahead of the curve and, above all, NOT be number 582 on the waiting list.

Staff Review
Picture of stormy sky with black/purple clouds on top of a dry dusty landscape in west Texas. Title is in white, all capital letters across the clouds.


By Wetmore, Elizabeth
Star Rating

Rated by Lisa H
Nov 8, 2021

Valentine, by Elizabeth Wetmore is a hauntingly powerful, and beautiful debut novel set in Odessa, Texas in 1976. Wetmore has created four main characters with deep narratives, and all intertwined in ways that make the reader truly understand them in various ways. The detailed characterizations help to draw an accurate divide between age, class and race in west Texas in the mid-1970’s.