
Staff Review

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

Rated by Marty J.
Jun 25, 2012

In his book, Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson provides a fascinating fly-on-the-wall view of many of the defining moments in Steve Jobs life.  The author thoroughly researched his subject, conducting 40 in-depth interviews with Jobs and interviewing over a hundred people who were assoc

Staff Review Jun 24, 2012

The Cat’s Table tells the story of an 11-year-old boy traveling alone on an ocean liner from Columbo, a city in Sri Lanka, to England.  His parents are divorced, and he’s moving to live with his mother whom he hasn’t seen for years.

Staff Review

Burma Chronicles by Guy Delisle

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Jun 23, 2012

On June 16, Burmese opposition leader and newly elected lawmaker Aung San Suu Kyi finally got a chance to deliver her acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize. Suu Kyi was awarded the prize back in 1991, when she was under house arrest in Burma.

Staff Review

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Jun 22, 2012

Mara Dyer wakes up with no memory of the building collapse that kills her best friend and boyfriend.  She wakes up with no memory of why they went to the abandoned asylum or what happened to cause the accident.  But she does wake up different.  She begins seeing things—and people—that aren’t there.  She loses chunks of time.  She hurts herself wit

Staff Review

Chick Days: Raising Chickens from Hatchlings to Laying Hens: an Absolute Beginner’s

By Jenna Woginrich
Star Rating

Rated by Helen H.
Jun 16, 2012

Even if you have no desire to ever own backyard chickens, Chick Days is wonderful fun. After making a case for keeping chickens, Woginrich describes her top ten breeds, and then illustrates the day-to-day development of three varieties of chickens. Professionally photographed, the pictures and layout are easy to follow, fun to look at, and complement the accompanying text perfectly.