
Staff Review Feb 2, 2010

It’s All About Him: Finding the Love of My Life by Denise J. JacksonC.S. Lewis move over! Here comes Denise Jackson. Reminiscent of the Oxford doyen's Surprised by Joy, Jackson's faith biography comes to us in the tenor of a Southern blonde belle. Her unabashed naked soul shakes the reader to the core. As a graying librarian I've learned to listen carefully to my patrons.

Staff Review

The Walking by Bentley Little

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Feb 1, 2010

The Walking by Bentley LittleBentley Little is a Bram Stoker Award winner, the award given by the Horror Writer’s Association. The Walking is a prime example of Little’s work. I was hooked on this book from the first sentence in the Prologue which was, “John Hawkes died and kept walking.”The main character is Miles Huerdeen, a private investigator, who is drawn into “The Walking” when his father dies and starts walking.

Staff Review

The Post-Birthday World by Lionel Shriver

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Jan 30, 2010

The Post-Birthday World by Lionel ShriverOne of the best books I have read recently was The Post-Birthday World by Lionel Shriver. The story takes place in parallel universes which I found quite intriguing. The main character, Irina, works in London as an illustrator of children's books.

Staff Review

Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Jan 29, 2010

Franny and Zooey by J.D. SalingerI've always enjoyed J.D. Salinger's only novel, The Catcher in the Rye; I've read it enough times now that I've lost count. Given the author's death on Jan. 27, I'll probably read it again soon. But it is not my favorite Salinger work. That honor goes to Franny and Zooey, and I write this knowing quite well what a strange little book it is.