

By Brandi Fischer

Everything happens for a reason.

I wish I didn’t make the bad choices that I did.

But we all learn from our mistakes...

I believe.


By Joe Howell

Money is everything in this life we live

It’s about what I can get not what to give

Money can make life positive or negative

You have to spend money to make money

Money is to us as a bear is to honey

Why are a rich man’s jokes always funny


By Zack Patrick

I always live

To see how much

I can achieve.

I keep the will

And learn the skills.

I always learn to strive

And I will not give up

Till I die.

I work so hard

I’ve made it this far.


By Brook Pippin

Probation is very difficult for me. I feel like it’s weighing me down,So much more every day. I believe some kids learn. I think I am one of those kids.But some don’t learn. Some families can’t afford probation, It’s not their fault their kids make mistakes; They need a break.