

By Corbin Burright

Every summer I had to go down to my aunt and uncle’s house in Nebraska. There was never anything to do. They didn’t live near any kids or other people to accompany me. They didn’t feel like they needed cable TV or internet because they were just all-around boring people.

Turning Life Into an Art

By Rachel Franklin

What are we here for?

Might there be a purpose that is more?

Maybe only time can tell the true meanings of our lives; it doesn’t lie.

That’s the power behind our efforts that continue till we die.


By Matthew Moorefield

Why does each day repeat in the same way? You constantly rise, in the morning only to fall asleep, forever, without warning. The day after day routine, was just a blink of an eye, between beginning and end. Now you are alone, not a single friend.


By Drake Myers

On a journey,

Without reasons,

Conforming to the changing seasons,

Flowing like a great song,

Thoughts of things grow ever long,

Mountains passing,

Some dreams crashing,

While others come to birth.