
What’s Inside of You?

By David Henderson

“To Strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

Thou shalt never give up,

What is rightfully his,

Never whimper away from fears,

Never give away their tears,

Fight for what is right,

Inside the brightest of light,

Here I Am

By Justin Boicourt

I’m here,


No one sees me.

I walk through,


Like the truth

Behind the mirror.

For me,

They have blind eyes

Of icy blue.

To get in

I jump the fence.

Mirror of my soul

By Bethanie Powell

My mind confused. My body unable to move. My blood

gone cold. My face turns pale. I look in the mirror to see no

one no reflection the reflection that I once saw was that of a

girl that was fake had no love for anyone but herself my life

I wish

By Rabi Hemayoun

On a cold February evening I learned one of life’s biggest lessons: appreciate what you have at present because once it’s taken away from you, all you’ll have left are memories. For me that ‘it’ was my fifteen month old niece, Bano.