
Death Changes Everything

By Naduish Whitely

Does it end where it all began?

Since the death of my mother

Something inside is broken

from deep deep


I feel like I’ve sinned

Thoughts ramble through my head

I feel like I too want to be dead

Death Changes Everything

By Sarah Jones

It’s hard to understand and agree with this quote, unless you’ve experienced a great loss. My friend, Paige Winters, died in a plane crash and it’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with in my entire life.

Her death truly has changed everything.

See Through Glass Bowl

By Keegan Conrad

 All the things inside of me, swimming in my soul,

Show on the outside, like a see through glass bowl,

 My clothes are colorful with a comfy fit,

 Showing my humor, style, and wit,

 My athleticism is shown also by my clothes,

Real World

By Maddie Miguel

This is the real world

With limited freedom, and lots of things to fear

Where you can’t get away from the truth

This is where violence lives, and people follow you

Where guns are triggered at any time or place