
Never a Child

By Zoë Christianson

A class clown attempted murder today.

A mother’s little boy,

a child’s best friend,

a teacher’s beloved terror,

stood over the monster who raised his freckly faced son

like the animal he’d become,

clutching a knife.


By Anna Jones

Built into the foundation

Of this very earth

Is a virtue,

More mysterious,

More powerful

Than life itself.

Rainbow Is

By Lois Wetzel

resounding majesty

abundant light

interceding with the heavens

nymphs like beauty

bestowing radiance

overpowering reign

wondrous creation

Loves Death

By Kim Nash

I look at your face,

the flowers in the vase,

I never wanted to be in this place,

As I pace the floor,

Searching for the door,

I realize I miss you more,

So I kneel at the cross,

And pray for my loss,