
Forgotten: The Holocaust

By Alexa Schnieders

The horror, the brutality

eats away at my heart until I no longer

see the need to go on.

I bite my lip,

holding in the


the remorce

the screams

I want the world to hear.

but they won’t.

The Sun is Set

By Hannah Gerwick

the water is still.

sitting on the dock, watching the horizon

I see

the bright orange, pink, yellow sky

with a mix of purple and blue

slowly fading away into darkness

Reflections on Water

By Jessica Sutter

The water spraying around me

The waves like endlessness enveloping me,

Surrounding me, smothering me

The hugeness of the ocean

Obscures my vision

Numbs my senses

Yet I feel the waves

Pounding, beating.

The Twilight

By Audra Spitzer

Have you ever awakened in the middle of the night? You look around and all your clocks are flashing. Blinking, on and off, on and off. You think to yourself, was it supposed to storm tonight? You decide the best way to find the solution is to check outside.