

By Sarah Rekab

The sea shimmers as if

a child,

has poured glitter in its

soft blue path.

Mountains linger over such water

and are outlined

by a china blue sky.

The sun dances across the water,

casting this magical scene.


By Morgan Shaffer

Wrist sewn.

Heart torn.

Attempted suicide.

Her gun was cocked.

Her bullets locked.

Suicide’s not so easy without bullets.

Especially when you’re ready to cock and pull it.

In sudden panic she reached for her razor.

What is Music?

By Loren Ferguson

What is music?

Music is calm, soft,

like fresh grass I lay on in the spring ,

like the gentle breeze that plays its symphony.

That’s what music means to me.


By Jessica Sutter

as the snow flies around me

i wonder why

this cold winter day brings back memories

maybe it was the hot chocolate

or the holiday cheer

or maybe

just maybe

it was the snow

the snow

laying on the ground