
slate blue moment, excerpt

By Brooke Shippee

Winter is a soft,

cruel sea of acid,

swirling and churning

into a




Bitter is Perfect

By Brooke Shippee

Bitter is the sound of hearing rejection

two weeks before the Prom,

of hearing you’ll expire within months,

of hearing the sickening squeal of tires beneath the floorboards

in your car.

Lonely Life

By Alyssa Rydell

How many times must we say goodbye?

Too many long and drawn out mornings without you.

After sunrise, I have no one to wake,

No one beside me,

No one to shake.

Hundreds of times we have had to say goodbye,

Still Stand–Stand Still

By Brittany Frazier

What happens when you’re at a stand still in life?

high school seemed to go by fast –

and now you’re left with memories.

Whether you were the individualist, the beautiful

person, the jock, the punk rocker, or the nerd,