
Starless Planet

By Paiton Stith

When we finally start talking to each other after the fall, huddling on the side of the island where the black-eyed humans can’t hear us, we all tell the same story. A day that started with the sun rising and waking up and going off to whatever it is we do during the day.

Little Red

By Ada Heller

Let’s make one thing clear:

there wasn’t a big bad wolf.

Not in my story.

There was no screaming

and running of little girls.

This is an old story;

One where

the structure of power

that had devoured

It Was Ricky

By Anna Schmeer

momma momma momma

it was ricky it was ricky

momma don’t believe that it was ricky who done it

she thinks i killed him

momma momma momma

don’t call the fuzz

it was ricky it was ricky

carpet girl

By Yasi Farahmandnia

in this town

words hold hostages

not meaning.

if i cry i will

bleed, and i will


integrity and i will

rip apart the frontdrop that has

made my portraits pretty

for (maybe) minutes on end.