
Fancy a Game of Darts, Anyone?

By Olivia Humphrey

Pouring all of the liquor you can find in the house down the drain is the most fun the daughter of an alcoholic can have without attending therapy. Isn’t that how the saying goes?

Your Baby

By Saadia Siddiqua

who cares about that umbilical cord when it doesn’t stop you from hurting me

you say I’m part of you but I feel you don’t love every part of me

let’s go through my childhood book of memories

earliest one my neck falling backwards

the code of separation

By Katie Stanos

7 november 2017 (sight)

your veiny, wan feet/expansion/between you/the floorboards/creation of


smacking the granite countertop breaks

     infinity they say

Treading Water

By Katherine D. Westbrook

This is the pretend-dream,

where I am teaching you to swim,

and your body and my body

remember their names in the water.