
Letters from College

By Megan Schrek

Hey, I miss you

School started yesterday and

I really couldn’t stand

You not being there

They had a pasta bar in the cafeteria

The germs wouldn’t mesh well with your hypochondria,

But the butter noodles were okay


By Alexa Newsom


Litter my floor.

Scraps of Paper.

Crumpled and overflowing my recycling bin.

Eraser bits.

Cover my desk until the pale wood looks black.

Spaghetti Boyfriend

By Emma Anderson

You were my

Spaghetti boyfriend


Full of spaghetti

That’s all I really

Know about you

You were my

Only friend


Full of potential

It’s strange how I don’t

Remember you


By Sofia Calavitta

Too long we have forgotten

The story of breath in our lungs

Depending on who you ask

We started from clay, dust,

Half of a ribcage, the salt of the

Earth, the water of the sea;

The old gods.