
Hot Blood Underground

By Ayah Abdul-Rauf

He is anchored to the cold room’s center

By metallic, unused fetters

Reluctance is his parapet and it’s likely to collapse

He lies amidst rusted traps

He is the first catch.

Choosing to Hurt

By Jessica Sutter

He leaves his shoes on the doorstep. Size twelve and a half, wearing through the toes and curling with wrinkles of use. He stopped working at the orchard in November, but red Oklahoma mud still caulks the crevices and holes, stains the laces.

Living Redwood

By Angela Clem

A Giant

A Living Freak of Nature

A Redwood.

Tall, upstanding, huge, strong, ancient

At least

 2,400 years old

People look at it in wonder.

“Wow! Amazing!” They say

And I agree

But I don’t