
Excerpt from Breed: The Girl of Fire

By Sarah Ault

I was age twelve when I first drew her.

The Eyes of Mermaid Dreams

By Natasha Vyhovsky

On sad days,

his eyes tell me stories –

stories of pain,

of struggle,

of truth.

They hold within them soft, grey clouds after April afternoon storms.

But the sky is bright without the sun,

because it is never truly gone.

Coffee Cups

By Maya Bluitt

I'm not sure if the glass is half empty or half full. 

Coffee shops leave me homesick for 8 minute drives to your cul-de-sac, to your arms; you're always busy. 

Parting Gift

By Guanghao Yu

Give me an unagitated evening,

where I could sleep-walk

under a light rose-petal sky,

and arrive at your door,

40 miles away,

just in time for dinner.