

Black and White

By Farah Fehmi

I had a dream last night . . .
I had a dream last night . . .
You died!

I studied it for myself
Looked it up even
But couldn’t wrap my head around it
Couldn’t wrap my mind –

No worries 
Meet me in my eyes
What beautiful eyes
Black and white


By Isabelle Shachtman

You ask me If I know the way back home from here. I sing the words, “yes, dear” back to you like I’m someone else. You say “alright” because you’ve got nothing else to say right now; I respect that. I keep my eyes on the road. I’m not quite sure where you’re looking at this point

Reflections on Water

By Jessica Sutter

The water spraying around me

The waves like endlessness enveloping me,

Surrounding me, smothering me

The hugeness of the ocean

Obscures my vision

Numbs my senses

Yet I feel the waves

Pounding, beating.

The Twilight

By Audra Spitzer

Have you ever awakened in the middle of the night? You look around and all your clocks are flashing. Blinking, on and off, on and off. You think to yourself, was it supposed to storm tonight? You decide the best way to find the solution is to check outside.

Take My Fear

By Ayah Abdul-Rauf

DIM… DIM… DIM… DIM… DIM… The soft, high note of the last key on a piano rang through the night repeatedly… and it was keeping someone up.


By Erin Ashley

The mountain trail is steep, and even I am having a hard time staying upright. The ridge I’m on is rocky and desolate, and I am the only thing moving. My chest is heaving as I struggle over the treacherous granite.

Yes, I am a Dreamer

By Mary Kaitlan Schmitt

Yeah, I’m a dreamer,

I dream of so many things.

But do you know what separates all

you other dreamers from me?

You all actually work to achieve your

dreams, you

dream about the future and what you

want to become.

Who We Are

By Blaire Ginsburg

Who dreams?

Who dares to enter such a realm?

Visions, fleeting,

Escaping with the waking flutter,

Living on bated breath

And translucent promises of

A world all your own;

A world anew.

Kansas City

By Taj’Zhere Dillard

This here is real.

There are no stories

about happy homes and whole hearts

where we come from.

No fancy cars.

We got no big houses but big dreams.

This is crack fiends at midnight,

babies crying, sleeping on wooden floors.

Dream Behind the Glass

By Anika Rasheed

There’s a girl that I see sometimes.

She pops up from time to time.

Day to day.

She’s a lot of things.

God, she’s beautiful.

And, isn’t she just so funny?