
Staff Review

A Small Indiscretion

By Jan Ellison

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Feb 27, 2015

Mistakes made when Annie Black was a 20-year-old American living in London have come to haunt her decades later with very real, devastating consequences. Annie and those affected by her choices endure desire, love, rejection, and forgiveness as they work through the repercussions of choices made years ago. The novel flips back and forth between present-day events occurring in San Francisco and past events that occurred in Annie’s life while she was in Europe.  A melancholy, but enjoyable book. 

Staff Review

Simple Christmas Wish

By Melody Carlson

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Feb 26, 2015

In a phone call that changes her life, Rachel Milligan learns that the parents of her 7-year-old niece, Holly, have had a tragic accident while on vacation.  Believing she is the only living guardian left to take care of the little girl, Rachel is shocked when Holly's custody is awarded to Lydia, a distant Amish aunt. Rachel complies with the court order and takes Holly to her new family. However, she hopes to convince Lydia to let the child stay with her.

Staff Review

A Monster Calls

By Patrick Ness

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Feb 24, 2015

When his mother began cancer treatments, Connor started experiencing nightmares: screaming, darkness, howling winds, slipping hands and a monster. But tonight is a little different because when Connor wakes from his nightmare, he hears something calling his name. It really is a monster, in the shape of a yew tree, slowly approaching his window. It wants something from him, something Connor is not ready to give.

Staff Review

The Lost Wife

By Alyson Richman

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Feb 24, 2015

Refusing to leave her parents and her sister behind, Lenka stays with them in Czechoslovakia to face the uncertainty of life for Jews during WWII. Lenka’s new husband, Josef, leaves for the safety of America without her. Lenka receives news that the ship carrying Josef was torpedoed by a German U-boat and Josef is dead.  Unbeknownst to Lenka, however, Josef lives and is searching for her. Lenka and her family are first sent to live and work in Terezin (a Jewish ghetto) and then to Auschwitz. Josef is mistakenly told Lenka was killed in the gas chamber at Auschwitz.

Staff Review

The Case of the Missing Moonstone

By Jordan Stratford
Star Rating

Rated by Josh N.
Feb 23, 2015

Jordan Stratford has taken a neat idea—young Mary Shelley and young Ada Lovelace team up to solve mysteries—and crafted a juvenile adventure story that's so much fun, it threatens to burst out of the book jacket and shoot off the pages like a cannon ball.

Staff Review

Africa: Eye to Eye With the Unknown

By James Honeyborne
Star Rating

Rated by Megan C.
Feb 20, 2015

Stunning! This series offers a sweeping panorama of the African continent. However, the stories presented here are often intimate, following individual animals through both ordinary and special events in their lives. Many of the animal behaviors this series captures are firsts in wildlife filmmaking. Even the series narrator, David Attenborough, who boasts a lifetime of wildlife observation, is surprised by these unexpected dramas.

Staff Review

Point, Click, Love

By Molly Shapiro
Star Rating

Rated by Helen H.
Feb 11, 2015

Chick lit grows up in this smart, insightful, and honest look at life as a middle-aged woman.  And it’s not the same middle age our mothers experienced.

Staff Review

Still Alice

By Lisa Genova
Star Rating

Rated by Jennifer W.M.
Feb 9, 2015

Still Alice is a very moving book that captures the heartbreak and suffering of someone diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease. We often hear about older people dealing with this dreaded disease but it also affects a surprising number of younger people.