
Staff Review

A Bollywood Affair

By Sonali Dev
Star Rating

Rated by Rachel N.
Jan 3, 2015

At the age of four, Mili was married to 12-year-old Virat Rathod. Now, twenty years later, Mili is still waiting for her husband to show up. In the meantime, Mili has traveled from India to Michigan in order to further her education to make herself a better wife. Little does she know, Virat has a life of his own. When that life is threatened, Virat sends his younger brother, Samir, to find Mili in America so she can sign papers annulling the marriage.

Teen Review

Love in the Time of Global Warming

By Francesca Block

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Jan 2, 2015

Penelope has lost everything in the Earth Shaker that destroyed the Los Angeles area. Her home by the sea is in ruins, her family gone. There is no one left in the neighborhood. Penelope is trying to survive on what little food and water she can find in what remains of their basement pantry.  Then suddenly three men appear at her home.  She hides, knowing that they will kill her if they find her.  But one does find her and surprisingly he offers her secret help and a bit of hope.

Staff Review


By Laurell K. Hamilton

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Jan 1, 2015

—An Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novel—

Before there was Sookie Stackhouse, before the Twilight movies and Vampire Diaries, there was the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series. It is one of my favorite vampire series and, although this book is #22 in the saga, I still found it engaging enough to tough out reading 569 pages in a week.

Teen Review
Through the Woods by Emily Carroll

Through the Woods

By Emily Carroll
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Dec 31, 2014

A strikingly illustrated graphic novel featuring short horror stories told in bold blacks, reds, blues and whites. The stories are ones that will stay with you. Each story felt familiar to me, probably inspired by classic fairy tales but each has its own horrific twist. One of my favorites has tones of Little Red Riding Hood, about a girl traveling through the woods to her mother’s house. Her father warns her to travel fast to avoid the wolves in the forest. She travels over hills, between the trees and safely reaches her mother’s home.

Staff Review


By V.E. Schwab
Star Rating

Rated by Josh N.
Dec 31, 2014

I love superheroes and I like them colorful, weird, larger than life, heroic and good, inspirational and insightful. I don't generally go for deconstructions of or dark takes on the genre. But I liked Vicious. A LOT. It strips down the idea that people with superpowers see themselves as above us mere mortals and it tears apart the whole Good vs Evil, black-and-white tradition of superheroes and supervillains, but it does it with compelling, charismatic characters and an exciting, enthralling plot.

Staff Review

Avengers Arena: Kill or Die

By Dennis Hopeless

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Dec 30, 2014

Sixteen teenagers are brought to an arena to fight to the death...sound familiar?  Well, you haven't seen it like this before.  In Avengers Arena: Kill or Die, local author Dennis Hopeless puts a superhero spin on this twenty-first century trope, pitting a group of young superheroes-in-training against one another.  The puppet master in Kill or Die is a supervillain named Arcade, who apparently favors overly elaborate ways to kill his victims, but has perfected an environment designed to coerce these teens into killing one another.

Staff Review

The Astronaut Wives Club

By Lily Koppel
Star Rating

Rated by Diane H.
Dec 27, 2014

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”  Most people know that these words were said by Neil Armstrong, the first human to set foot on the moon. Many books have been written and movies made about the early years of space travel and the first astronauts. Except for old articles in LIFE magazine, much less has been written about the wives of those astronauts.  Lily Koppel has addressed this lack of information in her book The Astronaut Wives Club.

Staff Review

Power Play

By Catherine Coulter
Star Rating

Rated by Lisa J.
Dec 26, 2014

If you have enjoyed Coulter's seventeen previous FBI thrillers you will continue to do so with Power Play. Savich and Sherlock are assisted by Special Agent Davis Sullivan who, one fall morning when leaving Starbucks on his way to work, helps to stop a car jacking in progress.  Unbeknownst to him, the intended victim is U.S. Ambassador Natalie Black who is back in the U.S.

Staff Review

Green Bike

By Kevin Rabas
Star Rating

Rated by Helen H.
Dec 24, 2014

A group novel? Sounds like an exercise in egos, inner-circles, and bad writing to me. But I’d heard Kevin Rabas read his poetry, and read a little bit on my own as well. So, despite my reservations, I gave Green Bike a try and was pleasantly surprised.

Staff Review

What If

By Randall Munroe

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Dec 24, 2014

What would happen if you had a mole of moles?  Or if everybody on planet Earth decided to jump up and down at the same time?  How high up would you have to drop a steak for it to be cooked by the time it hit the ground?  Former NASA scientist Randall Munroe has been amusing the internet with his stick figure drawings since 2005, mostly on the popular website, but the popular comics website is also home to a column where he answers hypothetical (and very often insane) questions about physics, space, chemistry and just about everything else.