The story begins at a girls’ 10 and under soccer game in New Jersey, refereed by Phillip Horkman, a happy mild-mannered owner of a pet store called the Wine Shop. Phillip calls a foul on a girl who would have made the tying goal in the championship game; the daughter of Jeffrey Peckerman a foul mouthed blowhard (as described by a neighbor).
The latest in the Lydia Chin/Bill Smith series, Ghost Hero has Lydia and Bill investigating a rumor about new paintings from a dissident Chinese artist, who was to have died at Tiananmen Square, 20 years ago.
A debut novel by Harkness, this is a grown-up tale about witches, deamons, and vampires living among humans. Reluctant witch Diana Bishop is a professor and historian at Oxford University where she is researching the history of alchemy. Diana has ref
After a half decade of werewolves, vampires, ghosts, fallen angels and faeries, I assumed there was nothing new under the paranormal sun—at least, nothing new that would capture my interest. But Maggie Steifvater, author of the Shiver trilogy, proved me wrong with her latest young adult stand-alone,
During the summer of 1979 Letty and her three children returned to their island home in the Hebrides following the mysterious death of her husband, Nicky, a diplomat with the British Embassy in Bonn. All four struggle to come to grips with the loss of a beloved husband and father. Letty has become dysfunctional by torment over accusations that Nicky comm
For those readers who enjoyed P.C. Cast’s House of Night series here’s another young adult paranormal series by C. C.
The Devil’s Double starring Dominic Cooper (bridegroom from Mamma Mia!) is about Latif Yahia, an Iraqi officer forced to become the double for Uday Hussein, Sadam’s oldest son. Cooper plays both Latif and Uday, and he did a very good job of making me believe he was two different people.
A biography of Agatha Christie has been on my list to read for many years. I was also interested in learning what were the sources of inspirations for her stories, settings and characters in her writings. I was also intrigued by Christie’s mysterious disappearance that turned her into one of the characters of her own books.
Perhaps the title should be Beautiful and Brainy. Beautiful is a readable account of the life of “the most beautiful woman of the first half of the Twentieth Century”, a film star of 1930s and 1940s, and the namesake of Austria’s annual invention award.