
Dreaming of my Perfect World

By Elianna Oliver

Who wishes...

she could live in the sunny, tropical Bahamian world for a summer

she could experience the ear-popping adventure

on an airplane

going place to place

visiting the breathtaking sights around planet Earth


By Dawson Plaster

I Wish

To create new and innovative objects

For the joy of finding a new building block of the universe

To write the published wonder that will spread throughout the world

To smell the delicious food in front of me, soon to be in cookbooks everywhere

I Wonder

By Emma Smith

I wonder.

I wonder who the person I’ll become in twenty years will be.

I wonder if I’ll be helping someone in desperate time of need,

or saving someone’s life on an empty street.

I wonder if the mountains I climb

Tiny Little Things

By Regan Erwin

lightly sunkissed skin and bright grey blue eyes

sympathetic, funny, crazy

daughter of a caring, loving mom named Carmen

who loves…

making new memories

gaining more friends


laughing so hard my stomach hurts