

By Dennis Rothwell

You could be a picture

Of gleaming perfection.

Indeed, an orchestra,

Of human without sin.

The world at your whims,

Subject to your knees,

Yet you ask nothing of them,

For every person sees,

That you are perfect.

Ordinary School Girl

By Hridya Kakumanu

I am an ordinary school girl,

I have homework,

I have assignments,

I have essays,

and I have tests.


By Sophie Slusher

Talking with others

feeling so very different

never quite the same

Jokes at my expense

The others laughing so hard

Try and fail to smile

Crown of Daisies

By Lauren Hassan

I am but a girl with scars,

Not those that are seen,

The kind buried beneath it all,

I am but a girl with a dream,

Like any other you will see,

I am unique,

But still like any other,

I’ve been thrown,

And hit,