
A Wish

By Carly Pearch

I Wish I could travel across the world seeing different

places and meet different people,

I Wish I could travel through time and space seeing

different times and worlds,

I Wish I could fly and explore the sky and all its wonders,

Who I Want To Be

By Shantha Burt

Of all the questions,

one stands out.

Who do you want to be?

I want to be someone whose life is overflowing with adventure.

I want to travel and explore.

It would be great to see monuments as bold as stars.

Oh, Dreaming Dreams I've Only Dreamt to Dream Before

By Emma Olinger

Standing in the middle of the stage

microphone taped to my face

singing my heart out

Handcuffing the mass murder who

has been loose for decades

lowering his head

into the cop car

I Am Color

By Maggie Nuss

I am color.

When I score the winning goal in the soccer game,

I am a sparkling yellow that is as bright as the sun!

Sometimes, I have a rough day,

And I feel like a despondent blue that is as dark as the night sky.

Other times,