
Vacant Box

By Hannah Jenkins-McCann

The first box of society is the family, were born into, the box referred to as home, where we are made and broken. Willingly kept within four lines, that we’ve been conditioned of what boundaries, can and will not be crossed.

Death Box Machine: The Cheater

By Andrew Christie

One vision, that is all it took to know how it all ends. That was the idea behind the product 32F, nicknamed the Death Box. There were 380 of us, we were the test subjects who willingly volunteered for the test. Truthfully, I was just in it for the money.

Hidden Strength

By Catherine Strayhall

I’m hanging from the edge.

Nothing stands between me

and falling but my own waning strength.

What if I fall? What if I seriously hurt myself?


By Anonymous

Stop bugging me

Stop discriminating

Stop calling me names

Stop the physical hurt

Stop shoving

Stop picking on me

Stop bringing me down

Stop laughing

Stop the breaking

Stop being a jerk