

By Catherine Strayhall

She is faded.

Worn out,

Worn down.

Time stole her crown.


By Amanda Akridge

I could spend an eternity upstairs reading.

Under the covers reading, hiding like a bear for winter.

Skimming the pages all day.

In the world of Anne.

Flip, Flip, Flip, Go the pages.

Her always saying Anne spelled with an “e”.


By Marlen Salazar

My hope is that we can forget about hate,

our prejudices, our unneeded bias.

My Sanity

By Ramya Chilappa

There is a little place in my mind…

that is my favorite place…

in the whole world.

It is my creativity.

My imagination.

There I escape to other lands.

To other worlds and kingdoms.

I become anything I like.