
Freddy Deceased & Homeless

By Chad Roberts

Freddy oh Freddy

Is an alcoholic

He will beg you to lend him spare change,

To grab an ice cold beer at the bar.

He will never be quiet!

He is underground laying in a coffin.

Freddy oh Freddy.

Mother Fletcher

By Ashley Ruckman

My skin dark as a winter’s midnight,

Tiny body as delicate as morning light.

As worn as dusty books on the attic floor,

Don’t expect things to happen on their own anymore.

My eyes like coal in a lifeless fireplace,

Poor Great-Great-Grandmother

By Calla Hinderks

A creaking windowpane,

Pelted with snow,

Reflecting light onto the dusty, deep brown floor.

The rooms seems to sigh, pained with age,

Abandoned; left waiting,

The cold is kept at bay by a single lamp,

Old Woman

By Greta Pereira

When I look at myself I see

Harlem reflected back at me

A great city with

A great history

When I look at myself, I see the roads I have traveled

To get here, and though they took a while,

In the map of wrinkles in my face