
Crying for the Beauty

By Catherine Strayhall

With winter gone, she can THROW her window open wide

With spring arriving, she can dance in bright SUNSHINE.

This is what it is to LIVE without regret;

To know she can NEVER FORGET, only move on.

With BLUE above, so open, so clear and bright

In The Morning

By Elly Herman

In the morning, I open my eyes

Sit up and stretch, and let out small cries.

I wiggle my toes, and crinkle my nose,

And get out of bed to the sound of rooster crows.

I slip on my jeans, and my long furry coat,

The Endless Spirit

By Emily Hilderhof

A bright desire shines, wanting to be noticed.

Throughout the day,

she begins to lose hope, starting

to diminish as if she were to disappear.

Fading to nothing more than a shadow

of what once was.

Call of the Unbiased

By Lauren McGrath

You see the clothes

You see the hair

You don’t see the person there.

(You see a thing)