

By Gage Oshman

I wish

I had a tree house

One to sit in all day with my spouse

I would read to the leaves

Feel my hair move with the breeze

A tree supporting so much

Like a caring father that does such

The power to hold all

The End

By Michelle Chan

As children everything is pure

Endless and pure

As you age you notice the stars

Burnt out memories light years away

Only if you can see them

Past your city lights and suburbs.

In their memory we keep living on


By Alexandra Miller

Turning book pages

taking a journey,

a mystical


Lichtenburg Love

By Rachel Franklin

I used to tread over damp ground

yet seek shelter from the rain.

Those wilted lives, half-truths

fed to half-lovers, are gone.

The hollows of your cheeks

are cracked like parched earth

from years wasted needing me to kiss you.