


By Nancy Green

It was a bad day.


Big Joe had a bad idea.

He was going to ruin our street.

Big Joe is a bad man.


By Bryson Vanlandingham

My name is Peaches,

I am not very fond of Big Joe,

I think my mother deserves better than a man with dough.

He is selfish, impatient, and acts like a child,

Even though he helps people, and he has a very big smile.


By Micayla Gleaton

Angry and spiteful

Attractive and very tall

Yah I am a teen


By Jackie Trammell

I want respect

I need tough love

I want freedom

I need control

I want to be wanted

I need to be independent

I want things

I need nothing

I want the high

I need sobriety

I want happiness


By Jake Oltremari

I wish I was home

I wish I was stoned

I wish I was high

I wish I could succeed

I wish I would try.


By Gage Oshman

I wish

I had a tree house

One to sit in all day with my spouse

I would read to the leaves

Feel my hair move with the breeze

A tree supporting so much

Like a caring father that does such

The power to hold all


By Eric Gunnarson

Let us lift that burden off our shoulders

And stand straight and tall.

We are and always will be

perfectly imperfect.


By Catherine Strayhall

Aren’t all heroes simply the sort of people we live with everyday?


By Catherine Strayhall

Before she even rested, it’s time to face the world again.

Some days she wonders: How many others fabricate their grins?

She takes a deep breath of air, and heads out to see what awaits.

After all, curiosity is always one of a hero’s best traits.


By Hannah Jenkins

Drifting through the world

I let my thoughts wander

what if?

what it might feel like to know...


By JDC Resident

I would want someone to

Not judge me

No matter what

Someone who I can trust

Talk to about anything

Feel comfortable around

Someone who will be there for me

When I really need them

Someone who “gets” me.


By Brandi Fischer

Everything happens for a reason.

I wish I didn’t make the bad choices that I did.

But we all learn from our mistakes...

I believe.


By Joe Howell

Money is everything in this life we live

It’s about what I can get not what to give

Money can make life positive or negative

You have to spend money to make money

Money is to us as a bear is to honey

Why are a rich man’s jokes always funny


By Zack Patrick

I always live

To see how much

I can achieve.

I keep the will

And learn the skills.

I always learn to strive

And I will not give up

Till I die.

I work so hard

I’ve made it this far.


By Benjamin Abbas

Do you know the Muffin Man?

His lifelong dream was to play in a band

Instead his feet are buried in sand.

If he skipped work he would be canned

His boss bringing down the iron hand

Another job he would demand


By Hannah E. Jenkins

I’ll dry your tears, and erase

your fears, in the coming years,

just to always hear your voice in my ear.


By Jessica Prater

I hear that knock on the door, it is the thunder calling.

Outside there are thousands of pasts,

and would have been future memories.


By Camille O’leary

Purple gone

only grey

green of tree gone

only black

all things dim

as sun goes down

twilight hour

The World's Paint

By Bailey Tulloch

You may think that color paints the Earth, but really you're wrong.

The things we say have been the culprits all wrong

Take this book, take a look inside,

Don't you see the things we should use with pride?

They fill our hearts, our minds, our soul,


By Hailey Cannon

Chitter chatter

Minds arc racing

Mouths are moving

Everyone's talking

But no one's doing

There's a war

Right outside

People boarding up their windows

Not to block out the bombs

To block out the sons


By Roger Weaver

Life is green,

but death chose black.

A bully is mean,

but nothing like Jack.

If I chose a path

Would it be good or bad?

If I pick a side

Would it make you sad?

You left for so long.


By JDC Resident

Being lost is hard to find...

wanting to leave my past behind

closing my eyes and counting to ten

waiting for my day to begin

looking at the dream I failed

can’t go back now

that ship has sailed


By Kati Klehm

Flying. high.

Sunshine blinding me

Through my thoughts’ shadowy veil

Happiness opening all the doors of my life

All decisions made,

Minute to minute,

Just flowing on the momentum

Of the world’s energy


Love Like a Two Dollar Bill

By Zoë Christianson

When I offered you

A heart full of love

You responded,

like this woman in a toy store

when I tried to spend a two dollar bill

a relative had given me

years ago, when I was young...


By Rachel Franklin

Every day, I walk along the same road,

A path of work and play, the route I know.

Every day, I carry the same, tiring load,

A burden of hopes, fears, and woe.


By Andre Stevens

Scream. yellin all the time. a chill pill Is what you need to find some. I like to bury myself very deep within my mind. You say i’m mental, but i’m sentimental when it comes down to my rhymes. you just take my rhyme book and throw them away all time.


By Anonymous

You say it makes no difference who I am

and how I choose to express it.

You’ll say this through clenched teeth.

You’ll say this and you’ll tell yourself

It’s better that I take my time -nowbetter

that I get it out of my system.


By Jessica Sutter

I’ve taken this road

So many times

Seen these things

Over and again

I’m getting tired

Of singing the same old lines

And getting to the fork in the path

And thinking it’s the end

I’d just like to thank you


By Jacob Yedo

When you go to a new school

you just want to be cool

And you want to make friends

But when you get near you

always seem to hear

“man that kid is weird”


By Sophie Poppie

She draws them on

Her hands

Her beautiful hands

She draws them on

her legs

Her lovely legs

She draws them all over

her body

Her beautiful body

They watch her

They tell her