

Night Rain

By Julia Marquez

You listened, drifting

in that half asleep

dream world-

a tiger roared

a brave tree fell,


and black

thunder grumbled

outside your window,



don’t tell


By Haley Claxton

The world comes to life,

As a new day dawns;

The freeze is now over,

Frosty winter now gone.

The creatures all wake

From their deep sleep.

Now through the land

Does warmth truly seep.

Rain Season

By Edward Sapilinga

Drop, drop went the rain

Wet ground is so slippery

Here comes green all over


By Lena Sabih

Forgotten by their own,

Forgotten by the world,

To a place farther than disaster

Only to see more.

Peril in the ocean and in the wind

Has left them lost.

Bright and lively no more,

No more faces of affection.


By Edith Mukonka

We are the orphans

We do not have our mother

We are the orphan

The Loyal Servant

By Lady Spritzy

I am the loyal servant

To a darker kind of master

When asked bout our lord,

My brethren bow their heads in shame

While I raise my head in pride

And my twin does the same.

But then my twin abandoned us

Why Can't You

By Lya Tran

Why can't you ever be true to you and to me.

You cell me everything I want to hear but nothing you mean.

You always make me sad but you never know.

You never cared although you say you do.

Am I wrong to believe you all the time?

Being Cosmic Dancers: because what else would we be?

By Jaden Gragg

We live on our floating planet,

this hunk, this rock,

we are so small. 


By Rachel Franklin

Every day, I walk along the same road,

A path of work and play, the route I know.

Every day, I carry the same, tiring load,

A burden of hopes, fears, and woe.

Death Changes Everything

By Naduish Whitely

Does it end where it all began?

Since the death of my mother

Something inside is broken

from deep deep


I feel like I’ve sinned

Thoughts ramble through my head

I feel like I too want to be dead


By Margie Delich

When you look into a window

What do you see?

A face staring back at you,

As happy as can be

You ask the face a question

Why do you smile so much?


By Dustin Robinson

What is this nonsense that a school represents?

It teaches the ways of a trained money controlling society

I dwell in the essence of my mind knowing they don’t have me convinced

I’m an individual and I will not be another part of the variety


By Erin Ashley

Hawk upon blue sky

Soaring above brook and spring

On the endless high


By JDC Resident

I want to touch a tree.

Not just any tree.

A tree with big green leaves.

I miss the shade trees

give on hot summer days.

The way they smelled, not

like a flower, just the

overall smell of nature.

I want to sit on

Hot Blood Underground

By Ayah Abdul-Rauf

He is anchored to the cold room’s center

By metallic, unused fetters

Reluctance is his parapet and it’s likely to collapse

He lies amidst rusted traps

He is the first catch.

The Voice of Desperate Hearts

By Bailey Tulloch

Among the freezing breeze of swastikas,

The only awakened robot

Was the word of the innocent.


She was of three hearts,

Like a sphinx,

Child, escapist, and thief.


I Would Say...

By Hannah Jenkins

I would say that by noon my

Heart really knew my purpose

My goals, the plan for rescue.

I would say that it’s better

To never regret, never take back,

Try not to be a brat.

I know that life is better when

One is not alone.

Every Bit as Dark as You

By Blaire Lauren Ginsburg

Just as wild and just as true,

I’m every bit as dark as you.

I would not show it on my face,

But I’ve learned your secret, silent grace.

Your gait is sure as the day is fair

And filled with ling’ring subtle air,


By Lauren McGrath

Melodies of pandemonium

Fill my ears with a silent hum

Black is everything we have found

White is everything without sound

And as lunacy ensues without ceasing

And pain takes hold without releasing

Swirling colors cease to blend


By Michelle Chan

Falling , falling down to earth

toward the place I was given birth

I close my eyes and count to three

A sad requiem for an unknown dream.

Why is it that people of this nation

Are only in it for the fascination?

Always on the run

What He Carries

By Kristen Zuchowski

He carries his equipment

He carries his uniform

He carries his ammunition

And his weapons

But he carries much more

He carries his heart

His memories

Though most importantly


By Hannah McCann

Reading should never just be

considered an option.

A life without reading, not

understanding words, only

spots on a page, with the power

to change worlds, but they’re

dead without a voice, no meaning

till they’re read.


By Theo Elliot Goodloe

On the third day, we took the shortest way

Climbed a mountain and I stayed

Found my wings, and dropped down

While I died, heard a sound

And the sound told me things

That had once pulled my strings

Then I saw my true self

Sometimes I Cry

By JDC Resident

Sometimes when I sit in my room I think of home

I think of all the things I miss and how I’m alone

In all the loneliness I get consumed in sadness and fear

Then I feel the pain as I shed a tear

Sometimes when I’m in my room and I’m entrapped in silence


By Skyler Pippin

I hate putting my family through pain

If I could wrong my rights I would be sane

Until that point I hang my head in shame

I wish not but blame myself


By Julia Marquez

In real life things don’t have outlines.

The Milkman

By Jaden Gragg

The milkman used to come up this way,

Bringing us his creamy milk, and stories, back in the day.

A dusty train followed him, rising up into the sky,

His buggy drove low, but his spirits sang high.

In my mind, I still see his horse-drawn car,

Holes in the Heavens

By Drew Wilson

The sky is bright

But the Stars are cold

Like eyes, they twinkle

Ancient and old

Looking down on the Earth far below

They watch and wait,

And what’s more, they know

They look down, older than time

Staring at me

Scarlet Hall

By Jaden Gragg

Hearing the phantom calls of the organ,

And the soft murmur of the church choir,

Awakened from sleep with a feeling she couldn’t describe,

She got out of bed and followed it outside.

A careful mist lay over her small town, a light shield of protection.

Lonely Man

By Alison Stephens

A lonely man sits on the side of the road

He sings a song,

La, la, la.

He stops, silence.

Red, green, yellow, red, green, yellow

The light keeps turning

Over and over

But no one is in sight, besides the lonely man