elementia issue 6


Night Rain

By Julia Marquez

You listened, drifting

in that half asleep

dream world-

a tiger roared

a brave tree fell,


and black

thunder grumbled

outside your window,



don’t tell

Bodies Revealed: A Non-Linear Essay

By Candice Ladd


“I am going on a diet,” she announced.

“But McKenzie, you're only six! Besides, you’re beautiful!” I shot back.

“But,” she insisted, “I need to lose weight.

“No, you do not. I’m your nanny, I know these things. Now eat your lunch.”


By Haley Claxton

The world comes to life,

As a new day dawns;

The freeze is now over,

Frosty winter now gone.

The creatures all wake

From their deep sleep.

Now through the land

Does warmth truly seep.

Rain Season

By Edward Sapilinga

Drop, drop went the rain

Wet ground is so slippery

Here comes green all over


By Lena Sabih

Forgotten by their own,

Forgotten by the world,

To a place farther than disaster

Only to see more.

Peril in the ocean and in the wind

Has left them lost.

Bright and lively no more,

No more faces of affection.


By Edith Mukonka

We are the orphans

We do not have our mother

We are the orphan

The Loyal Servant

By Lady Spritzy

I am the loyal servant

To a darker kind of master

When asked bout our lord,

My brethren bow their heads in shame

While I raise my head in pride

And my twin does the same.

But then my twin abandoned us

Why Can't You

By Lya Tran

Why can't you ever be true to you and to me.

You cell me everything I want to hear but nothing you mean.

You always make me sad but you never know.

You never cared although you say you do.

Am I wrong to believe you all the time?

featured young adult artist: Michelle Willard

By Michelle Willard

Describe yourself in one word.


How did you get involved with the library?

I had a friend with connections.

What inspires you?

Being Cosmic Dancers: because what else would we be?

By Jaden Gragg

We live on our floating planet,

this hunk, this rock,

we are so small. 

My Future

By Elizabeth Mwalisansa

I think more about my future

I can't understand my future

I see that future is very difficult 

Boy was on a Cloud

By Ayah Abdul Rauf

Hallo there boy

You're just a child

Play on the fluffy cloud

In the air.

Think of nothing.

Until you fall

Fall a man

Live a man

Die a man

Quiet Sighs

By Drew Wilson

Whenever I' m alone I miss you

Wish I took that chance to kiss you

I feel shattered and alone

like a dog thats lost his bone 

Remembering your laughing eyes

my life is filled with quiet sighs

Seasons may come and seasons may go


By Chris Padgett

Speak in your whispers, yet love me the same,

Wrap me in wings of comfort that tears can't absolve,

See through the struggles were new paths evolve,

your silence lies down beside me with only repetitive breath,


By Seanan McGuire
Star Rating

Rated by Heather C
Dec 18, 2019

I am not one that is normally drawn to the fantasy genre.  I mean, sure, I read all of the Harry Potter books (because they were fantastic!).  I am a huge fan of the Xanth series and don't even get me started with the Incarnations of Immortality series (if you haven't read that series, I highly highly recommend it) but I find myself drawn more to thrillers or mysteries or anything with vampires and witches.  So, with that being said, I love how this book drew me in from the get go.  

Just the blurb on the jacket alone got me excited to read this book:

Meet Roger.  Skilled with words