
The Goblin Emperor

By Katherine Addison
Star Rating

Rated by Jared H.
May 27, 2014

No one thought the exiled half-goblin son of the emperor would ever inherit the throne. Not even Maia himself. But when his father and three brothers are killed in an airship crash (which may not have been an accident), Maia is thrust into an environment for which he is ill prepared. With no friends nor allies to guide him, the new emperor struggles to find supporters amidst those who would see him deposed, or worse dead...

I love The Goblin Emperor. It's not your standard fantasy story. You will not find an epic quest to right wrong here, nor an end of the world prophecy to fulfill, nor a

Rosemary and Rue

By Seanan McGuire

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
May 13, 2014

Some readers like their fictional friends kept safe, never truly in harm’s way, despite immediate apparent dangers; you just know they’ll make out just fine in the end. I am not one of those readers—I like it when happy endings are not guaranteed, and the protagonist gets knocked around a bit.

And hoo boy does October “Tobey” Daye, protagonist of Seanan McGuire’s Rosemary and Rue, get knocked around. A lot. The half-Fae private investigator was once a knight of the Fae court, until she lost 14 years of her life in the line of duty; now she wants nothing to do with them. Unfortunately, she

Three Parts Dead

By Max Gladstone
Star Rating

Rated by Josh N.
May 8, 2014

Necromancy student Tara Abernathy has been thrown out of her school--literally--only to be recruited by the stern Ms. Kevarian to work for the international necromantic firm of Kelethres, Albrecht, and Ao. Brother Abelard is a naive, chain-smoking priest of Kos, god of the city of Alt Coulumb, who has discovered that his god is...dead. Tara and Ms. Kevarian arrive in Alt Coulumb to bring Kos back from the dead, and that's when things get really complicated.

Max Gladstone has created a rich, colorful world where gods are real and make deals with mortals through complicated contracts

The Story of Owen

By E. K. Johnston
Star Rating

Rated by Octavia V.
Apr 29, 2014

After famed dragon slayer, Lottie Thorskard, is injured on the job she takes early retirement and moves to the small town of Trondheim to escape her notoriety and the big city. She brings her partner Hannah, and nephew Owen, whose father is out fighting the carbon eating dragons that have plagued Canada since the dawn of time.

Late for his first class on the first day of school, Owen asks Siobhan McQuiad for directions. Turns out, they’re both late for English, and both end up in after-school detention where a friendship is born. As a gifted music student, Siobhan is also good at math and

Raising Steam

By Terry Pratchett

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Apr 28, 2014

Terry Pratchett's fortieth Discworld novel tackles many of the author's favorite themes, the heart of which can be found in one of his quotations: "It was funny how people were people everywhere you went, even if the people concerned weren't the people the people who made up the phrase 'people are people everywhere' had traditionally thought of as people."  Part of what makes Pratchett a great writer is how well he does people: human people, dwarf people, troll people, goblin people, golem people...they're all people.  They're all frightened-clever-ambitious-earnest-conniving-brave

Siege and Storm

By Leigh Bardugo
Star Rating

Rated by Josh N.
Apr 24, 2014

This sequel to Shadow and Bone takes all of the high adventure and dark drama of the first book and cranks it up to 11. The story starts off quietly for a chapter or two and then suddenly kicks the reader into a fast-paced, slam-bang, snarktastic rollercoaster ride that doesn't let up until the end of the novel. And the heart was pounding and I was left breathless by the end of the book.

After the frantic ending of the first book, Siege and Storm opens with Alina and Mal on the run from the Darkling. Alina and Mal are very devoted to each other, but that doesn't stop them from

The Bone Season

By Samantha Shannon
Star Rating

Rated by Diane H.
Apr 22, 2014

When I first started reading The Bone Season I wasn’t sure I would like it. There was a fair amount of slang and the tone was dark. Even after finishing it, I can’t say it’ll be on my favorites list. And yet, it was compelling, drawing me in so I had to know how it would end. 

Of course, being the first book in a series it doesn’t really “end." Nevertheless, I was intrigued by the plot and felt for the characters. The Bone Season is a kind of alternate history/science fiction/urban fiction tale with a bit of steampunk thrown in. It takes place in England in the year 2059 and centers around

The Assassin's Curse

By Cassandra Rose Clarke
Star Rating

Rated by Josh N.
Feb 27, 2014

Ananna is the only daughter of the leaders of the Tanarau pirate clan. When her parents try to marry her off to the son of the Hariri clan, Ananna chooses to flee both families and the arranged marriage. The Hariri are so angered, they send a magic-using assassin after her. But when the assassin, Naji, confronts Ananna and she accidentally saves his life, he becomes bound to her through a powerful, magical curse. They set out on a quest to break this "impossible curse," all the while fleeing the angry Hariri clan and strange, otherwordly beings with a mysterious agenda.

The Assassin's Curse i

Shadow and Bone

By Leigh Bardugo
Star Rating

Rated by Josh N.
Feb 27, 2014

I love a good fantasy story, full of high adventure, mystery, intrigue, romance, and strange magic. For a long time, a lot of fantasy worlds, influenced by Tolkien's Middle-earth, have been based on a romanticized version of medieval Western Europe. Which is fine, I love me some Tolkien, but I've been wanting to branch out to other fantasy lately, fantasy that's less Tolkienesque. Someone recommended Leigh Bardugo's Grisha Trilogy, set in a world that's like a magical version of Tsarist Russia, and since a lot of my ancestors came from Russia, I dove into the first book, Shadow and Bone.


The False Prince

By Jennifer A. Nielsen
Star Rating

Rated by Jared H.
Feb 26, 2014

The kingdom of Carthya is in trouble. The royal family is dead, the neighboring kingdoms are starting to whittle away at its borders, and a civil war is brewing between nobles. To prevent chaos from descending upon Carthya, Conner, an unscrupulous nobleman, devises a desperate plan. What if the king's youngest son, who has been lost at sea, suddenly returns to save the kingdom and stop the invasion of its neighbors? All he needs is someone to act the part. Enter Sage, orphan, impertinent thief, and general pain in Conner's side. He is one of four boys chosen to be groomed to play the part of

"Momo" by Michael Ende

By Michael Ende
Star Rating

Rated by Bryan V.
Feb 21, 2014

The main character of Michael Ende’s Momo  is a nine year old girl who, after noticing subtle changes in her friends and neighbors, quickly finds herself battling the mysterious and evil Men in Grey. Who are these ominous, bald “salesmen” who go around convincing just about everyone that by saving as much time as possible and depositing that time in the Men in Grey’s bank, they will get it back with interest at some later point? No one really knows. One by one, though, everyone that Momo knows falls under their spell, turning their once friendly town into a bastion of meanness, irritability

The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two

By Catherynne M. Valente
Star Rating

Rated by Josh N.
Feb 6, 2014

The third book in Catherynne M. Valente's Fairyland series, The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two, may be the best of the lot. (I reviewed the first two books here and here.) September, the young Nebraska girl who is our protagonist, is growing older and growing up. She desperately wants to return to Fairyland, but she's also anxious about her future there and at home. She doesn't know what she wants to do with her life, what she'll be when she grows up, and she's certain this is something she needs to figure out as soon as possible. She's insecure and uncertain, and when


By Simon Pegg
Star Rating

Rated by Scott S.
Jan 17, 2014

British television is fashionable nowadays. Downton Abbey, Sherlock, and Doctor Who exemplify the latest trend in Trans-Atlantic entertainment. But before BBC America went gangbusters, there were several British comedies from the late 90s and early 00s that have since either created American spin-offs (The Office) or spawned solid film careers for British actors and writers. The latter is true for Simon Pegg, one of the creators and actors of the show Spaced. Not only has he endeared himself to American sci-fi fans as Chief Engineer Montgomery “Scotty” Scott in J.J. Abrams’ reboot of the Star


By Hannah Moskowitz
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Jan 3, 2014

Rudy's life changes drastically when the family moves to a remote island for his ailing little brother's health. A fairly popular guy at school (especially with the ladies) Rudy is one of the few people below 30 living on the island. Everyone on the island is there for one reason...the magic fish that appear to have the ability to heal any illness. When the doctors and medicine fail his little brother, Rudy's family risks everything to come to the island. 

While his little brother seems to improve, Rudy counts down the days until he leaves for college, and a return to a normal life. Meanwhile

The Christmas Chronicles: The Legend of Santa Claus

By Tim Solver
Star Rating

Rated by Jared H.
Dec 9, 2013

In the 14th Century, Klaus lives the life of a simple woodcarver who begins to carve toys for all the children of his village after the Black Death strikes his village. In the years to come, his fame spreads through out the region. So much so, that it becomes impossible for him to deliver all the toys on one night. Here begins the magic and whimsy that will influence Klaus for the rest of his natural life...and beyond! Here starts the legend of Santa Claus!

With The Christmas Chronicles Tim Slover crafts the "real story" of Santa Claus. In this charming story, he takes bits and pieces of

Fortress in the Eye of Time

By C. J. Cherryh

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Dec 6, 2013

In the mood for detailed, lovingly described, slightly creepy, and very political high fantasy?  Have I got a book for you!

(In the mood for a quick, light read?  Come back later.)

Fortress in the Eye of Time is the first book in C. J. Cherryh's Fortress series, and it takes some time establishing the setting.  The book opens with an old wizard, living alone in an old fortress, working a great, old magic designed to create a perfect being to fulfill an old promise.  Being very, very old, he falters at the last, and instead creates Tristen: a lovely, innocent young man with the charm, good

Fortunately, the Milk

By Neil Gaiman
Star Rating

Rated by Hope H.
Dec 2, 2013

I'm generally proud of myself when I successfully make it home after a Saturday stop at my local wholesale store, but that's a drop in the bucket compared to the fantastical adventures that ensue during this run to the corner store for milk.

Mom is out of town for a few days, so dad is tasked with keeping the house in order.  Breakfast is delayed while he spends an inordinate amount of time venturing out to replenish that most important complement to breakfast cereal and British tea -- the milk.  Dad finally returns with a larger than life tale that features aliens, dinosaurs in hot air

The Lost Sun

By Tessa Gratton

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Oct 18, 2013

Soren Bearskin has grown up in a United States colonized by the Vikings rather than the Puritans, a country where trolls hide in the mountains and Norse gods walk the land, where children learn how to sword-fight in school and every year the land is renewed by the god of light, Baldur, as he is resurrected from his winter death.  Except this year, Baldur fails to appear.  A search is begun, a boon is offered by Odin to whomever can return his missing sun, and Astrid Glyn, the daughter of the most famous seer in New Asgard, convinces Soren that it is their fate to find Baldur.  Together, they

The Lost Sun

By Tessa Gratton
Star Rating

Rated by Josh N.
Oct 7, 2013

The time is now, but the world is more than a little different. The United States were settled and established by Scandinavians who worshipped the Norse gods--who are very real and very active in the world. And so you get Tessa Gratton's new series, The United States of Asgard, and the first book, The Lost Sun.

The Lost Sun is narrated by teen Soren Bearskin, born a berserker like his now-dead father, who is seeking ways to keep his innate berserker rage under control--or get rid of it entirely. When a new student, Astrid, daughter of a famous seer, comes to Soren's boarding school, he is

Warehouse 13

By Warehouse 13 (dvd)
Star Rating

Rated by Diane H.
Sep 25, 2013

Warehouse 13 stores and safeguards objects imbued with magical powers. Gandhi's sandals bring a sense of peace, Marilyn Monroe’s hairbrush can turn your hair blond, an ancient Roman coin can erase memories. These objects can be healing, frivolous, or extremely dangerous, especially in the wrong hands. Sometimes those wrong hands are merely ignorant, others are deliberately malicious. Whatever the case, it’s up to Myka Bering and Pete Lattimer to track them down, neutralize them, and bring them safely to the warehouse.

Myka and Pete are Secret Service agents who have been “recruited” by the

The Way of Kings

By Brandon Sanderson
Star Rating

Rated by Jared H.
Sep 19, 2013

Roshar is a world beset by powerful and devastating storms. Yet these are minor compared the desolation that is about to come this world. To face the oncoming devastation, a lowly slave, a would-be-thief, and a weary soldier, must find the strength within themselves to turn back the tide and become heroes.

The first book of a planned ten-book series, The Way of Kings is a great start to the Stormlight Archives. This is the series that Brandon Sanderson has been wanting to put on paper since he first started writing. Be warned that this is a long book at just over a thousand pages, and can


By Karen Marie Moning

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Sep 4, 2013

Imagine a world that doesn’t know its own rules.  No cell phones. No Internet. No stock market. No money. No legal system. A third of the world’s population wiped out in a single night and the count rising by millions every day.  The human race is an endangered species.”  So starts Iced, the first book in Karen Marie Moning’s Dani O’Malley trilogy.  This supernatural contemporary fantasy is a follow-up to the bestselling Fever series and begins chronologically after the Fever series’ final book, Shadowfever.  However, unlike the Fever series, the main characters of this novel are 14-year-old


By Heather Brewer
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Jun 19, 2013

In a world ruled by Barrons, magically gifted fighters, and their soulbound Healers, Kaya grew up in a small unskilled village. The daughter of two Barrons-in-hiding, as Barrons are not meant to marry each other, Kaya knows nothing of the hierarchy of Barrons and Healers that keep the countryside safe from Graplars (large dragonlike creatures) until one attacks at the village fair, killing her best friend. By killing the beast, her father draws attention to the family and Kaya is forced to attend Shadow Academy to become a healer. But what Kaya is really determined to do is learn how to fight

Soulbound by Heather Brewer

By Heather Brewer
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Apr 5, 2013

As a librarian I try to be widely read, sampling a little from column A, a little from column B. But like many readers, I have a literary home, a place that I come back to when I need support, or rest, or inspiration. And that place has always been books about kick-ass girls. It started when I was about ten years old and discovered Alanna, Tamora Pierce's cross-dressing heroine. Alanna, the daughter of landed gentry, is relegated to learning sorcery after being told that girls cannot become knights. Never one to follow the rules, Alanna switches places with her twin brother Thom, and dresses

The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making

By Catherynne M. Valente
Star Rating

Rated by Josh N.
Apr 2, 2013

Catherynne M. Valente's The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making is a wonderful, magical fairy-tale fantasy that is aimed at children but doesn't talk down to them—and is written in a way that will appeal to adults, too. It's a fantasy in the same vein as Alice in Wonderland, The Phantom Tollbooth, and L. Frank Baum's Oz books. In The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland, 12-year-old September is whisked away from her home in Omaha, Nebraska by the Green Wind and taken to Fairyland on his steed, the Leopard of Little Breezes. September has a wondrous, mysterious

Grave Mercy

By Robin LaFevers
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
May 17, 2012

Ismae is saved from a marriage to an abusive pig farmer by The Convent of Mortain, devoted to serving the god of Death and carrying out his wishes. She is taught how to kill with her hands, a variety of weapons, and most importantly, poisons. When her second assassination goes wrong and her true purpose is discovered, she is sent to court as the escort to Gavriel Duval, an aloof and distant Breton noble to protect Anne, Duchess of Brittany. Duval and Ismae form an uneasy alliance, neither trusting the other, in an attempt to discover those that plot against Anne and Brittany. However, the

Who's the fairest of them all?

By Gail Carson Levine
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Dec 9, 2011

What is it about the tale of Snow White that keeps coming back? The story is hundreds of years old, but 2012 will bring two new (and drastically different) movie adaptations of the tale. In preparation, you might want to check out these novel adaptations of the story.

Fairest by Gail Carson Levine

In a land where beauty and singing are valued above all else, Aza eventually comes to reconcile her unconventional appearance and her magical voice, and learns to accept herself for who she truly is.

Snow in Summer by Jane Yolen

Snow in Summer is a girl growing up in West Virginia in the 1940s

Alanna: the first adventure

By Tamora Pierce
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
May 27, 2011

Some authors are like home, you know that they are always going to be there for you. When you are sad, or happy, or nostalgic, you can always pick them up and enjoy them. I am pretty picky about what books get space on my bookshelves. To get on the shelf they have to meet one of two criteria: 1. I know I will reread them. 2. I want to be able to loan them out to friends. So you know if it is on my shelf, it has got to be good. I have a few authors who's entire compendium is on there, and I want to share them with you today.

Tamora Pierce: I started reading the Alanna series when I was maybe


By Kristin Cashore
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Sep 14, 2009

Over the mountains from the land of Graceling is the Dells, an equally enchanting land. Fire's life has been very sheltered, and for good reason, she is a monster. With a wild beauty and hair the color of flame, her namesake, Fire has the unique ability to control the minds of humans and animals. But Fire guards her power, afraid to misuse it like her father, Castrel, the monster adviser to the previous King who used his powers to almost destroy the kingdom.

The kingdom is falling apart, lords are gathering armies to attack the king and spies are everywhere. Fire has to come to terms with her

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

By Bandai Entertainment
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Aug 26, 2009

I have been watching quite a bit of anime lately to get ready for the anime festival coming up on November 7th (mark your calendars). There was one anime which I loved but just didn't seem to fit the festival, so you won't get to see it on the big screen but I would recommend checking it out from the library and watching it at home. Makoto is having a bad day. She woke up late, and just barely made it to school on time. Before the end of the day she has flunked a math test, almost set the school on fire in foods class and while trying to clean a classroom Makoto slipped and fell in the science