
Secret Keeper

By Emily Birger

I’m the kind of girl who doesn’t let go.

I’m the kind of girl who doesn’t let her true colors show.

The girl who hides her sadness as if she’s wearing a mask

And says that everything is fine.

The girl who pretends everything is sublime.


By Rylee Wilson

Who am I?

     I am a puzzle. A million words and thoughts and ideas, feelings that fit together.

     I can maybe identify some of them if

Stepping Out Into The World

By Kendall Lanier

People hide in the darkness of the day

They see it happen but they stay away

But today is the day that I speak up and say something

Being brave, not afraid

Taking a chance and stepping out

Being heard not reticent


By Hannah McCann

Reading should never just be

considered an option.

A life without reading, not

understanding words, only

spots on a page, with the power

to change worlds, but they’re

dead without a voice, no meaning

till they’re read.