

By Micayla Gleaton

Angry and spiteful

Attractive and very tall

Yah I am a teen

Blood, White, and Blue: February 2003

By Catherine Strayhall

It’s been more than 30 years since Nam. It’s been about 20 years since the Wall went up, but this is my first time visiting it. Right now, my nephew, Robin, is headed to Kuwait, and probably soon, Iraq, for another war.


By Jackie Trammell

I want respect

I need tough love

I want freedom

I need control

I want to be wanted

I need to be independent

I want things

I need nothing

I want the high

I need sobriety

I want happiness


By Jake Oltremari

I wish I was home

I wish I was stoned

I wish I was high

I wish I could succeed

I wish I would try.