elementia issue 15


19. Baby by Alice Kogo
55. Movement by Paiton Stith


By Elizabeth Joseph

I break down in the supermarket grocery aisles

because I only have five minutes to make the choice

between a variety of granola bars.

Spoiler alert!

By Romila Santra

screaming letters warn

cautioning, threatening

but I lean in

revel in the reveal 

most don’t like spoilers

but I live for them


By Lauren Yolksh

I won't remember this in the morning. The way her arm feels wrapped around my shoulders. She is helping me into the car, her car, which is red like mushed up cranberries. The last time I ate cranberries was when I was seven.

mango juice

By Magda Werkmeister

mango juice drips from my fingers seeps into the brown dirt dirt that holds roots that reach across countries roots that stitch together centuries roots that spread and cannot be confined mango juice drips from my fingers plunges to the earth earth my mother raced across earth that felt the weigh