elementia issue 5

A Spectacular View

By Leslie Goodwin

A cool breeze shuffled my hair, causing deep chestnut strands to tangle in my eye lashes. As my purse swung loosely at my hip, I slowly lifted my hand to shield my defenseless eyes against the brilliant sun. I exhaled deeply, letting the awe and amazement settle in the pit of my stomach.

The Song Within

By Emy Blake

The lovely tune sounding brilliantly through the air

Wonderful feelings as the clear notes catch

The song shines and gleams, its rays golden and fair

Words Can Move Mountains

By Rachel Franklin

There is a thing that is stronger than yourself,

That is from you; its plan is one of stealth.

White-hot insults out of a mouth are poured,

Never underestimate the power of a word!

Poetry Is...

By Heather Martin

Poetry is nothing

But everything

Dances in dreams

That vanish when you wake

Coffee and cream

With a taste of cake

Simplicity found

In a hard drive

Books bound

To stay in an archive

Waiting to be Struck

By Matthew Morefield Tanzer

Sometimes I just sit there,

waiting to be struck,

with one poetic thought.

Other times I am struck,

with a line to my poem,

and I have nowhere,

to write it down.

Inspiration comes from,

nature and the world.

I Wonder Why...

By Camille Christie

I wonder why

when I look up to the sky

dark clouds roll by

and birds don’t fly, but die.

Iris: A Haiku

By Hana Spangler

Spring brings the iris

budding from the sodden ground

life’s color at last

Gone and Now I’m Free

By Hannah E. Jenkins

The hate that lived within

me, that inhabited my very core


It has no home with me anymore

I’ve let it go

It no longer rules me


By Brooke Stanley

Bumping the van, our holey road twists

onto the dark side of each mountain,

drawing us into night and the nervousness

of a stranger at the wheel in an unfamiliar place.

The stars are swallowed, the moon gone

Tales From The Loop - Your Gateway to Strange Things

By Stålenhag, Simon
Star Rating

Rated by Andrew E
Dec 16, 2019

You’ve heard of Dungeons and Dragons.  Right?

It’s been around for 45 year and been in everything from Simpsons to Stranger things. 

What is it? 

It’s a pen and paper Roleplaying game.  A set of rules to tell a shared story with friends and family with a backdrop of classic sword and sorcery in the vein of The Lord of the Rings.


Pretty simple right?  Well that’s what Tales from the Loop is.  A very rules-simple pen and paper Roleplaying Game!  Only it ditches the old tropes of Dwarves, Elves, Dragons, and Goblins for a more contemporary setting.


You and your friends play as