Jeni Decker, mother of two and independent filmmaker has found herself living a life she never imagined: raising two sons both with diagnoses on the autism spectrum, the wife of a husband who doesn’t know what to do with these boys who aren’t interested in Little League or Yankees games, a dog and an albino frog.
In our society, which prefers and glamorizes extroverts, the natural born leaders, and the charismatic public speakers, introverts are, at times, looked upon as second-class citizens. Quiet gives validation and appreciation to this personality type by telling us why introverts are important to our
Beautifully written, Spoken from the Heart is aptly named, as it tells the life story of first Lady Laura Bush in her trademark soft spoken, sophisticated way. It reads like a letter from home. As expected, she describes her early life and
I first read Startide Rising when I was a teen and thought it was one of the best SF novels I had read. It had talking dolphins! And weird aliens! And bizarre technology! What more could I have asked for?
After a drunken party trick goes terribly wrong, flapper Evie O’Neill is sent to spend her summer in exile with her uncle—if Jazz Age New York with its speakeasies, handsome boys and raucous parties can be considered exile. The trouble is, once she gets there, a series of gruesome murders spreads across the city, and Evie and her party tricks might be the only thing that can
This rambling mystery moves from Berlin to Prague as Bernie Gunther, recently on the Eastern Front with the German army, resumes his work as detective. While investigating the death of a Dutch railway worker he becomes involved with a local girl he assumes to be a prostitute. When he is ordered by the Nazis to go to Prague, she accompanies him and stays in a hotel
I jumped on the don’t-eat-anything-you-can’t-pronounce bandwagon about five years ago. While I’ve lost no weight and have yet to be inspired to lead a “healthy lifestyle,” my HDLs have gone way up, my LDLs way down, and my husband has experienced the longest period of remission of his Crohn’s disease in ten years.
Abba Kiarostami is a legendary Iranian director , and Certified Copy is his first movie shot outside Iran and produced in the English language.
Voices of Revolutionary America does a superb job of detailing the American Revolution with a chronology of events from the accession of George III to the throne to the end of the revolution in 1783. At the end of ea